A day in the life of an Avon Sales Leader

The day started with a phone call from my brother.  I had decided yesterday that I had earned myself a lie-in!  One of the bonuses of being self employed is that you can take time out when you need it, not when your boss decides you can!  After a long chat with my bro and then getting ready for the day,  I read the rest of my book “1984” by George Orwell.

I then decided it was time to log onto my Avon account and do some work!  Firstly checking all reps had successfully placed their orders this campaign, and contacting anyone that may need a quick reminder or perhaps need my support or help.   So onto the next thing to do.  Write some advice for my sales leaders on our team forum page.  I like to try to give my team some useful information most days via our Facebook pages, newsletters or phone calls/texts, depending on how much time we all have.  Some of my team members work full time, some part time, some, like me, run their Avon businesses full time, so we use various different methods to communicate.

Ultimately though I always think it’s best to talk.  To either pick up the phone and chat or make appointments for meeting up.  We have quite an informal approach in our team, and that seems to work well for us.  Occasionally we manage to get everyone together for a formal meeting, but that usually ends up with us all chatting and it’s always in an informal setting.  What’s great is that we all genuinely get along really well and it’s always a really supportive environment.  Despite the fact that we are all so different and we are quite far flung.  From Kent to South Wales to the Isle of Man to Birmingham and even as far north as Scotland but we all manage to keep in touch.

Here’s a link detailing our team success so far:


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Anyway, back to my day!  So now it’s time to take the dog for a walk.  A couple of my Avon colleagues and I are doing the Moonwalk for charity in May.  One of these ladies has done it before and she persuaded myself and my friend Gail when we were all on holiday together in Seville (beautiful holiday courtesy of Avon as a thank you for all our hard work building our successful businesses).  On that note, if you would like to sponsor me, here’s the link:


Back from my hour long walk, after having some lunch, it’s time to post out some brochures to a new representative that I signed up yesterday.  It’s so easy to sign up new team members these days.  All I have to do is to video call them, check their ID and show them how to do everything via the video link.  Gone are the days of driving up and down the country (we used to have to sign people up in person, preferably in their homes).  I’m also sending out some of our coveted ‘team calendars’ today to newly qualified sales leaders.  Our team calendars have become a bit of a mainstay with the team.  Each month has inspiring quotes and pay day, statement day and various other important Avon dates.

So now it’s time to go and pick up my tennis-mad 15 year old from school and take him to his tennis ‘squad’.  While I’m there, I get a phone call from someone wanting to sign up there and then to Avon.  After checking they have the correct ID via video link, I sign them up ‘on the spot’ and we arrange a time for the following day for me to call them and go through all the finer details.  At least I know that I can get their online shop up and running straight away for them,  plus post their ‘starter pack’ out to them first thing in the morning and they can get started as soon as they want.

After phoning my older children and face timing my grand children, I sit down to supper with my hubby and a happy but tired out 15 year old!

Tomorrow I’ll meet up with some of the team to do some ‘prospecting’ around locally to see if we can find some people locally who would like to earn a little extra money or even start a whole new career like I have as a full time Avon lady!  We always have fun while we are out, and usually stop for a coffee or two!  It’s a tough life being an Avon lady but hey, someone’s got to do it!

If you fancy giving it a go, or just want some more info, here’s my website:  Join Avon

Love Berni x